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Monday, June 02, 2014

Kristen Bell - Dr Long John - Burlesque

First time I heard this was on Bette Midler's First big concert tour on video , from Cleveland!
Megan Mullally does a great job on the Vocal in this Burlesque clip! 
I have actually been to burlesque theaters ,once in Norfolk ,Va. when I was 12 years old and once in Washington ,D.C. when I was 17 in the USAF ! Both theaters were called The Gaiety ,which at one time was a Chain of Burlesque theaters ! 
    When I was working at Your Fathers Mustache ,a banjo band night club in Greenwich Village ( similar but better then The RED GARTER clubs) our cook Russell Adams was friends with a Stripper named "Irma the Body" . One night Irma came to see Russ and somehow I wound up carrying her on my shoulders during the bands rendition of THE WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE or the theme from "The Lone Ranger" a popular movie abd tv show in the early days of tv.Needless to say , my neck still aches to this day ! You see, Irma was well endowed in the Chest and she kept banging those 2 huge hooters against the back of my head....but the crowd loved it and gave us a standing ovation when it was over! That was 1967 or 68 !

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