WELCOME , I am the great and all-powerful WIZARD OF ROCK AND ROLL , WTF ,are you ? Worthless Knowledge is my Forte ! All my Heroes are Sandwiches! The WIZARD accepts donations ! THE WIZARD's Best piece of Free Advice is : "Always make sure the fornicating you're getting ! Is worth,the fornicating you're getting !
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Friday, May 04, 2018
The Wizard's "Cinco de Mayo Party" Playlist - 2018 ?
The Biggest Playlist on my You Tube Channel , just go to my link for my Annual Fiesta La Cinco De Mayo below !
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
St.Patrick's Day - The Wizard's Playlist 2018 - March 17th
You are all invited to use my St.Patrick's Day Playlist to celebrate the Man who drove all the Snakes out of Ireland ! So , enjoy and Erin Go Brah !
Friday, March 02, 2018
St.Patrick's Day - The Wizard's Playlist 2018 - March 17th
Just Play The Wizard's Greatest St.Patrick's Day Playlist That I have put together so far , lots of Great Music ! Plenty of Sing Along Tunes for all DAY & all NIGHT Long !
Erin Go Brah !
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Burapa Bike Week 2018
We live in Pattaya , but sorry un-able to attend , but next year I may find a Power Wheelchair or Mobility Scooter to help me getting back to Partying & Living Again !!!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
MARDi GRAS - Laissez les bons temps rouler ! Playlist for 2018
Happy Mardi Gras to all my Bros & Sisters all over the World !
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Valentine's Day Playlist - 2018 or I LOVE YOU More today , then Yesterda...
Once upon a Valentine's Day ! Listen to this Romantic & Loving Playlist with your Sweetheart and if you cannot be with the ONE you love ? LOVE the one your with !!!
The Wizard presents 444 Videos on this V-DAY 2018 !
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
A NEW YEAR"S EVE 2018 - Rockin' Dance Party with Over 24 Hours of Music !
I was thinking about Going Live from Pattaya , but play my Musical Playlist at Your NY's Eve Bash ! BTW , Happy NEW YEAR 2018 !
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
For Christmas , in the Legal Weed & Medical Marijuana States of the USA !
It was the week before Christmas and all thru the White House , the Rats were running the Country there and in the Congress Anyone who tries to VOTE for the Tax Plan Scam deserves Coal in their Stocking and a shovel up their Butt seriously DEAR FRIENDS , Merry Holidays to All who don't Vote for The Evil POTUS 's plan to make Americans poorer then Russians!
Weed will be the Stoner's Stocking Stuffer of Choice , after age 21 , Just like Coal weed will give people Jobs and the Government Billions in Taxes , and you really need to Clean Weed Just Like Clean Coal but better for your HEALTH !
Santa Retired in Pattaya !
Sunday, December 17, 2017
For Christmas , in the Legal Weed & Medical Marijuana States of the USA !
Peace on Earth ! Impeach The EVIL POTUS , he could pay for all his EVIL PLANS by Federal Legalization of Marijuana Products , That will give him his funds to do many stupid things , like Building The Berlin Wall , sorry I mean the Cartel Wall down in Mexico way ! I wonder what LOBBYISTS & Bribed Congressional Staff are on Santa's pay-offs to keep Weed Illegal !
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The Wizard's Christmas Songs for the Holidays !
This one is for the Whole Family , its been updated since Last Year .....Santa Wizard !
For Christmas , in the Legal Weed & Medical Marijuana States of the USA !
The Wizard of Rock and Roll wishes you all a Very High Merry Christmas !
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Jethro Tull - Cross Eyed Mary (Lyrics in description)
Well , now that we may finally be getting in the Moody Blues to the shameful R&R Hall of Fame in 2018 , fan voting is in Progress Now....so go vote and Next year hopefully , Ian Anderson & his excellent Rockers will finally get their due , and be so Honored , cause we already know who the greatest Flutist & Showman with a Flute there ever was ! Ian Andersen of Jethro Tull , in case your too young to have heard their Music . as yet ! Start with Aqualung which many consider one of the top R&R Albums of All-Time , especially the 70s !
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Johnny Cash - Dont Take Your Guns To Town
So apropos in these sad Times of our fellow Americans losing their Lives to EVIL , Blame the Weapon or Blame the Shooter !
Saturday, October 28, 2017
At the Wizard's Halloween Playlist of Spooky Tunes!
The Wizard has created a Monster of a Playlist for every type of Foolish Ghoulish & Coolest Monsters , he could think of in Song .....
for the Best of the Worst if you prefer !
Please Share or drop or hang yourself ,The Wizard a long or short Newt , on how you feel this Playlist was for you???
The Wizard has created a GROSS Playlist for Creepy&Spooky GALS & GHOULS to enjoy on All Hollows Eve ,also known as : HALLOWEEN !
The Wizard owns no copyrights ,they all belong to the Scary people out there !
Don't forget to BYOB ( Bring your own blood to the Party ! ) not to mention but stakes are on the Menu ,with Bloody Mary's & Zombies !
Be safe and be afraid , yes be afraid , be afraid , very , very , very afraid u b ,don't U C !!!!
for the Best of the Worst if you prefer !
Please Share or drop or hang yourself ,The Wizard a long or short Newt , on how you feel this Playlist was for you???
The Wizard has created a GROSS Playlist for Creepy&Spooky GALS & GHOULS to enjoy on All Hollows Eve ,also known as : HALLOWEEN !
The Wizard owns no copyrights ,they all belong to the Scary people out there !
Don't forget to BYOB ( Bring your own blood to the Party ! ) not to mention but stakes are on the Menu ,with Bloody Mary's & Zombies !
Be safe and be afraid , yes be afraid , be afraid , very , very , very afraid u b ,don't U C !!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
At the Wizard's Halloween Playlist of Spooky Tunes!
Updated and Even Spookier for 2017 & 2869 ! Adult , view&listen , recommended ! Devilish Song Selections by The Really Gratefully Dead !
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
The Day After (1983) - Classic Movie Channel
If you want to see what would happen if any CRAZIES out there were to detonate even ONE Nuclear Device or WMD !
Please , this may be the Best look into a Apocalyptic Event or WW III , it really won't matter ,cause either way the world not may be the same. It just will not be !
This and a British Made for TV movie on a SMART BOMB exploding in a area of LONDON by someone VERY STUPID . Both of these Flicks , will show you how really un-prepared and too un-ready we really are to face a Nuclear Battle on this Planet ! So when anyone gets a notion that we should Baddda-Bing ole N.Korea and Dennis Rodman's Buddy there , only a Madman will go first ! You will recognize some good actors in their younger days in the cast !
Saturday, June 17, 2017
The Wizard's 4th of July Party Playlist - 2017 - 400+++ Videos !
Over 400 Videos to Celebrate USA Independence Day !
Patriotic Music and much more !!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
The Best of The Wizard's Hippie Era , Music to Fly by !
Enjoy these Trips down the roads of Musically inclined days of Partying til everyone dropped , but your Wizard of R&R !
And the ones we left by roadside , where they Boogied til they puked ! Just could not hold their Blotter , not bladder , either !
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
The Wizard's "Cinco de Mayo Party" Playlist - 2017 ?
Right after " May the Fourth be with you" , My Playlists most Popular Playlist.....so if your Partying to the Cinco de Mayo beat , this is a great party time Music with a few shooters of T'akillya , a few too mucho Margaritas and lots of Cerveza....Ole !!!
Monday, April 17, 2017
Harry Styles - Ever Since New York (Live on SNL)
The Wizard thinks this may win song of the Year ! I see his Voice and Music best to come along in awhile for this R&R Lover. It will definitely join a bunch of NY Songs as a Classic one day ! Starting NOW or even sooner !
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Thursday, March 02, 2017
The Wizard's St.Patrick's Day Playlist 2017 - March 17th
Everybody gets to be Green for a Day and a Happy St.Patrick's Day to ya' on March 17 th 2017 !!!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
MARDi GRAS - Laissez les bons temps rouler ! Playlist for 2017
Fat Tuesday Feb.28 th 2017 , but the Part gets really crazy starting on the Friday before. You Party til Midnight on 28th and like Cinderella at the strike of the Bells at Midnight we all turn back into sober citizens and the Police clean you off Bourbon St. and tell all to go home ! I survived 7yrs.of Mardi Gras Parties over the Years in the 70's !
Monday, February 13, 2017
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
A Valentine's Day Playlist or I LOVE YOU More today , then Yesterday !
of The Wonderful Days of your Lives with that Special Someone , As time goes by !
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Dolly Parton Show -Down In New Orleans with Irma Thomas, Doug Kershaw & ...
Great Mardi Gras Party video !
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Watch Online Urban Myths Season 1 Episode 1 - Bob Dylan
Watch Online Urban Myths Season 1 Episode 1 - Bob Dylan: Urban Myths Season 1 Episode 1 Bob Dylan, watch Urban Myths Season 1 Episode 1 Bob Dylan online, Urban Myths episode 1, Bob Dylan, watch Urban Myths episodes
Brilliant look at one of America's Greatest Poets visit to his friend Dave's in England.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Back in Black - The Trump Inauguration's No-Star Lineup: The Daily Show
This has the Funniest Line ever on Trump's Inauguration Lewis Black outdoes himself !!!
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Another Donald Trump theme song , should be played at Inauguration ! If anyone will show up or not , after he gets Inaugurated I will be respectful to The Office of the Presidency , unless he fracks up Big Time ! By his Cabinet Pics and other choices , not looking too good already , my Brothers & Sisters !
Jethro Tull - A Classic Case - Album (1985)
Really a Brilliant Classical Interpretation of a Great Rock and Roll Band's Music . Ian Andersen and The LSO do outstanding work here !
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The Best of The Wizard's Hippie Era , Music to Fly by !
In this Era of Music , Whole albums by THE BEATLES seems the only correct way to honor their Music but I feel The Moody Blues also rates a few of their whole Albums , as great Tripping Music ! YES is a bit more intense , so forgive where my Favorite Music to trip on , hogs up some video Space ! I also don't think I'm quite done as yet !?! BTW , there is no order to the Playlist , your on ur own , or hit shuffle !!!
Stephen Colbert rips GOP on Obamacare repeal 'beautifully covered by 6 feet of dirt' (VIDEO)
Stephen Colbert rips GOP on Obamacare repeal 'beautifully covered by 6 feet of dirt' (VIDEO): Republicans are putting the health of Americans at risk with their plan to repeal Obamacare without a viable alternative.
Just as usual , the Republicans want to help many Americans to die faster !
You TRUMP voters and GOP Supporters in State & Local Elections are going to get you what you deserve but thats only 6 Million out of the 20 Million , what of the 14 Million who get screwed out of their Heath Care ! The 1% Plan to rid the planet of some Population ! Earlier I watched the Author who broke the story of TRUMP's late Donation to VETERANS , only given after the story was about to be reported on ! The author investigated calling all Veterans Orgs.to see if they had gotten a Trump Donation , which none had . But when THE Donald or his staff found out of the story that was going to break , he then and only then , made the Donation !
Just as usual , the Republicans want to help many Americans to die faster !
You TRUMP voters and GOP Supporters in State & Local Elections are going to get you what you deserve but thats only 6 Million out of the 20 Million , what of the 14 Million who get screwed out of their Heath Care ! The 1% Plan to rid the planet of some Population ! Earlier I watched the Author who broke the story of TRUMP's late Donation to VETERANS , only given after the story was about to be reported on ! The author investigated calling all Veterans Orgs.to see if they had gotten a Trump Donation , which none had . But when THE Donald or his staff found out of the story that was going to break , he then and only then , made the Donation !
Monday, January 16, 2017
smokie - who the fuck is alice ( remastered )
Here's an Oldie but Goodie , from my Bangkok Managing a Bar & Go-Go Days ! Big hit on the Bar scene !
Sturgill Simpson "Call to Arms" Saturday Night Live Jan 14 2017
First Time The Wizard had heard of this Artist , but after hearing him on SNL , am Positive not his Last for sure......From SNL , Keep it Between the Lines by Sturgill Simpson <<<<click link
Both songs were excellent , reminded me of first time I heard Delbert McClinton or The Amazing Rhythm Aces on SNL in the 70's before they got really popular.Later on in the 80's I produced a few Concerts with Russell Smith their Lead Vocalist-Songwriter . Russell had told me SNL performance had propelled them to a much more popular place in the Music Business ! Considering , that was almost 40 years ago the difference was back then , we had much better music to listen to . Which , apologies for sound but its still good performances caught Live and not really a Video per say , like allot of stuff out there are videos but not really Good Music !
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Famous member of congress does not see Trump as a legitimate president (VIDEO)
Famous member of congress does not see Trump as a legitimate president (VIDEO): Congressman John Lewis likely opened the door for many who have remained silent to question Trump's legitimacy in public, and one hopes many do.
I really do believe the Anti-Christ is Trump ,McConnell & Boehner ,,,,Ryan is their Judas Iscariot ! Why can't we let the American people Choose whether they wish to keep or Discard Obama Care ( ACA) Instead of Lobby bought and Paid for Politicians ? Who do not want Poor People living longer then they might , with a Affordable Health Plan , its all part of the Rich Republican Overlords Plans , to de-populate the Planet . So their resources are not depleted by over-population and their Bullshite plans to rid the earth of as many of the poorer Folks as possible ! If the People did not want the Affordable Care Act , why did they elect him Twice with a Mandate vote .Unlike the Donald's possibly stolen Election from HRC with Vladimir's
Help ! I do hope someone does something to stop the Republicans from destroying our Country , before its too late !!!.
I really do believe the Anti-Christ is Trump ,McConnell & Boehner ,,,,Ryan is their Judas Iscariot ! Why can't we let the American people Choose whether they wish to keep or Discard Obama Care ( ACA) Instead of Lobby bought and Paid for Politicians ? Who do not want Poor People living longer then they might , with a Affordable Health Plan , its all part of the Rich Republican Overlords Plans , to de-populate the Planet . So their resources are not depleted by over-population and their Bullshite plans to rid the earth of as many of the poorer Folks as possible ! If the People did not want the Affordable Care Act , why did they elect him Twice with a Mandate vote .Unlike the Donald's possibly stolen Election from HRC with Vladimir's
Help ! I do hope someone does something to stop the Republicans from destroying our Country , before its too late !!!.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Saturday, January 07, 2017
MARDi GRAS - Laissez les bons temps rouler ! Playlist for 2017
Countdown to Mardi Gras has begun , enjoy my Playlist of over 500 Tunes !
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Star Wars actor Fisher dies at 60: People Movies
Star Wars actor Fisher dies at 60: People Movies: Carrie Fisher, who rose to fame as Princess Leia in the 'Star Wars' films and endured substance abuse problems, died on Tuesday, Sad to Say ,Who's Next ?
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
A New Year's EvE 201? - Rockin' Dance Party with Over 10 Hours of Music !
Lots of New tunes for this year that are old but not in the way , but on the Way to a Good Party !
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Golden slumbers- Carry that weight - The end (Lyrics) The beatles
Definitely one of their BEST , and the Album is a Classic ! This goes out to Larry , wherever He may be, RiP ! He rode into the underpass !
Monday, November 07, 2016
Roar | Hillary Clinton
I am TWOR&R and I approve of this Message and Candidate , The Trump is too big an A-Hole to embarass our Country !
Bill Murray Returns to SNL and sang an song called 'Go Cubs Go'
Great TRIBUTE by SNL and Bill Murray stops by for a Cameo with his Cubbies Heroes Fowler ,Ross and Rizzo ! I salute the Fans of Chicago Cubs Baseball , the most loyal and patient Fans ever , at least for the last 108 years !
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